Andrea Merican Art

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The meaning of blue

The color blue is often associated with the feeling of sadness. It can also be used to represent calmness and tranquility. Blue is associated with peace and spiritual connotations in certain cultures. Cobalt blue is cool color with a connection to nature, sky, and water. Indigo is a deep, dark blue symbolizing wisdom, creativity, justice and fairness. Cerulean blue is a sky blue color and also very calming.

These are just some of the seven blue watercolor pigments I used to paint this figure. When I drew her pose and posture and stood back and really looked, her overwhelming sadness enveloped me. Her loneliness and despair was palpable. I decided to take a leap and only paint her and her hair in shades of blue.

So far this is the painting people have identified with most. I have received many comments from people who love blue as a color. (It is one of my favorites too). I have also seen emotional reactions from people who have identified with the woman’s expression so much so that it touched something in their own hearts.

A favorite quote from the French artist Edgar Degas says, “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”

What resonates with you when you see this painting? Does the color change your perception of the figure and what she might be thinking, feeling or experiencing? What does blue mean to you?